Items where Author is "Arsova, Monika"
Jovanov, Tamara and Arsova, Monika (2024) Career management and communication for personal and workplace success. In: WUS Seminar - Module 1, 06-08 Dec 2024, Veles, Macedonia. (Submitted)
Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika and Miteva-Kacarski, Emilija (2024) Работилница: Деловна комуникација – CV, мотивациско писмо и интервју. In: Работилница: Деловна комуникација – CV, мотивациско писмо и интервју.
Arsova, Monika (2024) Brainstorming methodology. In: Green transition of female entrepreneurs in the Balkan region - Best Practices Webinar. (Submitted)
Arsova, Monika and Adelajda Zaninović, Petra (2024) The analysis of the application of digital marketing in shipping companies. Working Paper. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business.
Jovanov, Tamara and Arsova, Monika (2024) Entrepreneurship - Intentions, Competences and Gender. In: How to become a great employee and what it takes to be an entrepreneur, 10 Feb 2024, Skopje. (Submitted)
Temjanovski, Riste and Arsova, Monika (2023) Promoting sustainable rural economic development: how to embrace new knowledge and innovation through the coworking space model. Macedonian international Journal of Marketing, 9 (17). pp. 5-14. ISSN 1857-9787
Jovanov, Tamara and Arsova, Monika (2023) Career management and communication for interns. In: Career Transition Support Macedonia, Veles, Macedonia. (Submitted)
Jovanov, Tamara and Arsova, Monika (2023) Creative problem solving and digital marketing. In: Career Transition Support Macedonia, Veles, Macedonia. (Submitted)
Arsova, Monika and Mitreva, Mila and Jovanov, Tamara and Fotova Cikovikj, Katerina (2023) Social Media Communication Habits of Emerging Adults with Brands during the Covid-19 Pandemic. 9th REDETE Conference 2022.
Arsova, Monika (2023) Digitization of marketing channels in developing countries, as a step to create a sustainable economy. In: Montenegrin International Conference on Economics and Business 2023, 25-27 May 2023, Budva. (In Press)
Arsova, Monika and Temjanovski, Riste (2023) Logistics costs and their impact on performance. Journal of Economics, 8 (1). pp. 55-67. ISSN 1857-9973
Jovanov, Tamara and Fotova Cikovikj, Katerina and Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika (2023) Mass media usage from emerging adults in times of crisis: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Economics, 8 (1). pp. 68-82. ISSN 1857-9973
Jovanov, Tamara and Arsova, Monika (2023) Creative problem solving and generation of green (business) ideas. In: Creative problem solving and generation of green (business) ideas, Faculty of Economis - Shtip. (Unpublished)
Veselinova, Elena and Gogova Samonikov, Marija and Koleva, Blagica and Jovanov, Tamara and Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika (2023) Стратегиски развој и оперативен план за Центар за кариера и развој на Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип. [Project] (Submitted)
Gorgieva-Trajkovska, Olivera and Georgieva Svrtinov, Vesna and Miteva-Kacarski, Emilija and Paceskoski, Vlatko and Sofijanova, Elenica and Temjanovski, Riste and Dimitrova, Janka and Gogova Samonikov, Marija and Veselinova, Elena and Davcev, Ljupco and Gruevski, Ilija and Gaber, Stevan and Jovanov, Tamara and Bezovski, Zlatko and Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika (2023) Business eco system as an integrated system-Be In. [Project]
Jovanov, Tamara and Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika (2023) Perceived advertising value of media for driving sustainable demand in emerging adults. In: MICEB: The 1st Montenegrin International Conference on Economics & Business, 25-27 May 2023, Budva, Montenegro.
Dimitrova, Janka and Gorgieva-Trajkovska, Olivera and Koleva, Blagica and Georgieva Svrtinov, Vesna and Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika (2022) Ден на сметководството. In: Ден на сметководството, 10 Dec 2022, Stip. (Unpublished)
Temjanovski, Riste and Arsova, Monika and Dimitrova, Janka (2022) How humanities can tackle with the consumption and greenhouse effect: through the prism of green logistics. Journal of Economics, Vol.7 (No.2). pp. 48-58. ISSN 1857-9973
Arsova, Monika and Temjanovski, Riste (2022) Consumer behavior and challenges in the new digital environment. Македонско здружение за маркетинг „Маркетинг“ - Скопје (15). pp. 5-16. ISSN 1857-9787
Arsova, Monika and Temjanovski, Riste (2022) Entrepreneurial education in emerging countries: how to keep abreast with global competitive needs. In: 9th International scientific conference - Technics and Informatics in Education, 16-18 Sept 2022, Cacak, Serbia.
Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika (2022) Social media communication habits of emerging adults with brands during the Covid-19 pandemic. In: 9th REDETE Conference 2022, 15-16 Sept 2022, Ancona, Italy.
Arsova, Monika (2022) Глобалните стопански текови и информационите технологии - водечки сили за ефикасно управување со маркетинг каналите. Doctoral thesis, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип.
Arsova, Monika and Temjanovski, Riste (2022) Дигитализацијата на логистичките активности – перспективи на Република Северна Македонија. In: Предизвиците во туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век, 30 Apr 2022, Stip.
Temjanovski, Riste and Dusko, Todeski and Arsova, Monika and Dimitrova, Janka (2022) Monte Carlo simulated stress test scenario on the case of Macedonian logistic companies. Journal of Economics, 7 (1). pp. 19-26. ISSN 1857-9973
Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika and Jovanov, Tamara (2022) Digital marketing and the potential for financial growth of small and medium-sized businesses. Journal of Economics, 7 (1). ISSN 1857-9973
Arsova, Monika and Mitreva, Mila and Temjanovski, Riste (2022) Interrelationship between marketing activities and the financial performance of Huawei. Journal of Economics, 7 (1). ISSN 1857-9973
Bezovski, Zlatko and Gorgieva-Trajkovska, Olivera and Miteva-Kacarski, Emilija and Koleva, Blagica and Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika (2022) Биди Економист 2022. [Project]
Jovanov, Tamara and Arsova, Monika (2022) Биди економист 2022: „Вмрежување:Како да стекнеме пријатели и да ги оствариме своите цели?“. [Project]
Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika and Jovanov, Tamara and Fotova Cikovikj, Katerina (2022) Consumer media habits of emerging adults vs. media investment trends of companies during Covid-19. 8th REDETE Conference.
Veselinova, Elena and Arsova, Monika (2022) Глобална недела на претприемништво: „Жените VS стереотипите во претприемништвото". [Project]
Veselinova, Elena and Arsova, Monika (2022) „Жените VS стереотипите во претприемништвото“ - Глобална недела на претприемништво. In: „Жените VS стереотипите во претприемништвото“ - Глобална недела на претприемништво.
Arsova, Monika (2021) Дигитален маркетинг – главна алка во градењето „пост-ковид“ дигитално општество. Center for Innovation and Development INOS Prilep.
Arsova, Monika (2021) Маркетингот во претприемништвото. In: Биди претприемач, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia. (In Press)
Bezovski, Zlatko and Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika and Gorgieva-Trajkovska, Olivera and Miteva-Kacarski, Emilija and Koleva, Blagica and Dimitrova, Janka and Temjanovski, Riste (2021) „Биди Претприемач“ - Глобална Недела на Претприемништвото 2021. [Project]
Temjanovski, Riste and Bezovski, Zlatko and Arsova, Monika and Sofijanova, Elenica (2021) Circular Economy, resources and environmental metabolism. Journal of Economics, 6 (2). pp. 22-36. ISSN 1857-9973
Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika and Jovanov, Tamara and Fotova Cikovikj, Katerina (2021) Consumer media habits versus media investment trends during Covid-19. In: Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies. (In Press)
Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika (2021) The adoption of e-commerce trends and the financial performance of SMEs in the Balkan region. In: 2021 International Summer School, 20-22 Sept 2021. (In Press)
Arsova, Monika (2021) Blockchain technology and its impact on logistic enterprise performance. Knowledge – International Journal, 46 (1). ISSN 2545-4439
Arsova, Monika (2021) Modern logistic technological trends -main drivers in the global industry. Knowledge – International Journal, 46 (1). ISSN 2545-4439
Temjanovski, Riste and Arsova, Monika (2020) Logistics education in Universities in 21st century: new trends and challenges. In: Proceedings TIE 2020 8th International Scientific Conference Technics and Informatics in Education, 18-20 Sept 2020, Čačak, Serbia.
Arsova, Monika (2020) The importance of location in transport -logistics companies. Journal of Economics, 5 (1). ISSN 1857-9973
Temjanovski, Riste and Arsova, Monika and Ignjatov, Ivan (2019) Bicycle transport: Towards urban mobility or new culture symbol for healthy society. Journal of Economics, 4 (2). pp. 18-27. ISSN 1857-9973
Temjanovski, Riste and Arsova, Monika (2019) Logistic planning strategy in order to sustain the solution of the tourist region. In: International Conference: Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, 8–10 Aug 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.
Temjanovski, Riste and Arsova, Monika (2019) Transport Policy to create a Western Balkans market: How to mirror the EU's experience. In: 5th Annual International Conference on Transportation, 3-6 June 2019, Athens, Greece.
Arsova, Monika and Temjanovski, Riste and Jovanov, Tamara (2019) Globalization and its impact on the logistic systems of companies and new market challenges. Macedonian International Journal of Marketing, 5 (10). pp. 6-17. ISSN 1857-9787
Temjanovski, Riste and Arsova, Monika (2019) Review of global menace of road traffic accidents with special reference to Macedonia - a economic and health perspective. Journal of Economics, 4 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1857-9973
Arsova, Monika and Temjanovski, Riste (2019) Strategy for market segmentation and differentiation: contemporary marketing practice. Journal of Economics, 4 (1). pp. 27-35. ISSN 1857-9973
Temjanovski, Riste and Lazarov, Darko and Miteva-Kacarski, Emilija and Paceskoski, Vlatko and Arsova, Monika (2018) Transport infrastructure as well as a generic resource to boosting the economic growth of the Republic of Macedonia. [Project] (Submitted)
Arsova, Monika and Temjanovski, Riste (2018) Marketing innovation in distribution channels in Macedonian enterprises. Macedonian International Journal of Marketing, 7. pp. 41-48. ISSN 1857-9787
Temjanovski, Riste and Arsova, Monika (2018) Transport policy crucial factor for business competitivеness: effects and consequences. Macedonian International Journal of Marketing, 7. pp. 33-40. ISSN 1857-9787
Temjanovski, Riste and Dimitrova, Janka and Arsova, Monika (2018) Correlation between the road infrastructure and sustainable rural mobility: EU - Macedonia practices and needs. Journal of Economics, 3 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1857-9973
Arsova, Monika and Temjanovski, Riste (2017) The use of European funds for infrastructural development in the rural development in the Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Economics, 2 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1857-9973
Temjanovski, Riste and Dimitrova, Janka and Arsova, Monika (2017) The roads as civilization symbol or brain drain booster: Culture changes in spirit of global challenges. "Journal of Economics", Faculty of Economics, University Goce Delcev, Stip, Macedonia, 2 (1). pp. 11-23. ISSN 1857-9973
Arsova, Monika and Temjanovski, Riste (2017) Влијанието на промоцијата врз деловниот успех на претпријатието „Витаминка“ – Прилеп. Годишен зборник, Економски факултет, 12 (9). pp. 161-168. ISSN 1857-7628
Arsova, Monika (2016) Стратегиите на промоција и на дистрибуција на прехранбените производи на примерот на претпријатието „Брилијант“-Штип. Masters thesis, Institute of Economics, Skopje.