Items where Author is "Nikolov, Elenior"

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Number of items: 34.


Manev, Nikola and Jovchevski, Igor and Dimitrovski, Dame and Nikolov, Elenior (2024) Implications for the environmental-engineering compromise as a result of the aftermarket optimization of a diesel engine. Journal of Energy Technology, 17 (1). pp. 20-31. ISSN 2463-7815

Manev, Nikola and Nikolov, Elenior (2022) The European Green Deal and EU’s energy transition in the wake of the war in Ukraine. Contemporary Macedonian Defence, 22 (43). pp. 37-45. ISSN 1409-8199

Manev, Nikola and Nikolov, Elenior (2022) Lethality of contemporary Russian APFSDS rounds against NATO’s main battle tanks. Contemporary Macedonian Defence, 22 (42). pp. 115-123. ISSN 1409-8199

Manev, Nikola and Dimitrovski, Dame and Nikolov, Elenior and Petreski, Drage and Markov, Zoran and Iliev, Viktor (2021) Evaluation of the air pollution impact of heavy goods, diesel driven vehicles, along the A1 highway in North Macedonia. International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), 11 (4). pp. 873-880. ISSN 2224-4980

Mitreva, Elizabeta and Nikolov, Elenior and Nikolova, Biljana and Taskov, Nako and Dimitrov, Nikola (2016) Methodology for Optimizations of Business Processes in Macedonian Railways - Transport in the Republic of Macedonia. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7 (3). pp. 394-402. ISSN 2039-2117(Online)

Mitreva, Elizabeta and Nikolov, Elenior and Nikolova, Biljana (2016) Application of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the Macedonian Railways - transport in the Republic of Macedonia. Calitatea-acces la succes, 17 (151). pp. 55-60. ISSN 1582-2559

Nikolov, Elenior and Ivanovski, Zoran (2012) Development of Macedonian logistics service company. Proceedings of scientific and technical conference 2012, Skopje. ISBN 978-9989-2851-2-7.

Nikolov, Elenior and Popovski, Orce and Smileski, Rose and Petreski, Drage (2012) Principles of multi risk assessment. Proceedings od International Scientific Conference “Faces of the Crisis”, Skopje 2012. pp. 226-235.

Nikolov, Elenior and Popovski, Orce and Smileski, Rose (2012) Risk assessment of industrial hazards. Proceedings of International 22th Congress of Chemists and Technologists 2012, Ohrid.

Petreski, Drage and Dimitrievski, Ljupce and Nikolov, Elenior (2011) Теоретско-аналитички осврт на одржувањето на неборбените моторни возила во АРМ. National Journal, Modern Macedonian Defense, 12 (21).

Nikolov, Elenior and Petreski, Drage and Dimitrovski, Dame (2011) Компјутерски дизајн на клипови со мала тежина со примена на Алгор - ФЕА систем. National Journal: Modern Macedonian Defense, 12 (21).

Petreski, Drage and Dimitrievski, Ljupce and Nikolov, Elenior (2011) Теоретско-аналитички осврт на одржувањето на неборбените моторни возила во АРМ. National Journal: Modern Macedonian Defense, 12 (21).

Petreski, Drage and Nikolov, Elenior and Iliev, Andrej and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2011) Dynamic investigation of pressure activated firing pin for mine-explosive devices. Proceedings of 4th Balkan Mining Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Nikolov, Elenior and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Contev, Robertino and Stoichkova, Elena and Ivanovski, Zoran (2009) R&D National Policy in the Republic of Macedonia According to the Security Related and Generally R&D Scene – Current Status and Shortfalls. Proceedings of the Internetional Conference – “Business and Science for Security and Defence R&D”, Bulgaria, Sofia .

Nikolov, Elenior and Korunoski, Dame and Angusev, Koco (2009) Анализа на динамиката и вибрациите кај моторите со внатрешно согорување. Proceedings of Abstracts from 9th Scientific Conference, ETAI-2009, ISBN 978-9989-2175-4-8. pp. 147-148.

Nikolov, Elenior and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Contev, Robertino and Stoichkova, Elena and Ivanovski, Zoran (2009) R&D National Policy in the Republic of Macedonia according to the security related and generally R&D scene–Current status and shortfalls. Proceedings of International Conference 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria. pp. 65-85.

Nikolov, Elenior (2004) Мобилност на копнените возила и примена на возила на електричен погон. National Journal: Modern Macedonian Defense, 4 (10).

Book Section

Gelev, Saso and Golubovski, Roman and Hristov, Risto and Nikolov, Elenior (2013) Methodology of Implementation of Computer Forensics. In: Зборник на трудови: Прва меѓународна научна конференција „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“. Универзитет „Евро-Балкан“, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4714-05-7


Smileski, Rose and Deskovski, Stojce and Nikolov, Elenior and Stojcev, Aleksandar and Taneski, Nenad and Trajchevski, Neven and Mitkovska-Trendova, Katerina and Bogatinov, Dimitar (2015) 20 години Воена академија. Other. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип, Штип.

Conference or Workshop Item

Manev, Nikola and Dimitrovski, Dame and Nikolov, Elenior (2023) Diesel Engine Modelling with the Use of Artificial Neural Networks to Decrease Simulation Processing Requirements. In: 26th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 8-11 Oct 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Manev, Nikola and Dimitrovski, Dame and Nikolov, Elenior and Petreski, Drage and Markov, Zoran (2021) Evaluation of the air pollution impact of the heavy goods, diesel vehicles along, the A1 highway in North Macedonia. In: International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE2021), 4-6 June 2021, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Nikolov, Elenior and Cvetkovski, Ivica and Gelev, Saso (2013) Моделирање на процесот на водење евиденција за извршени гаѓања, потрошувачка на муниција и обученост на единиците на АРМ. In: XI Меѓународна конференција ЕТАИ 2013, 26-28 Sept 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Nikolov, Elenior and Dimitrovski, Dame and Gelev, Saso (2013) Нумеричка анализа и симулација на преминување на возило преку вертикална препрека на пат. In: XI Меѓународна конференција ЕТАИ 2013, 26-28 Sept 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Petreski, Drage and Nikolov, Elenior and Glavinov, Aleksandar (2013) Conflicts – between challenges and interests. In: International sciantic conference: Changes in global society, 06 - 07 June 2013, Skopje, Macedonia.

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Bogdanoski, Marjan and Nikolov, Elenior and Petreski, Drage (2012) Сајбер нападите како најсовремени закани врз воените операции и критичната инфраструктура. In: Научно – стручна конференција MILCON’12, 14 May 2012, Скопје, Р. Македонија.

Petreski, Drage and Nikolov, Elenior and Iliev, Andrej and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2011) Dynamic Investigation of Pressure Activated Firing Pin for Mine-Explosive Devices. In: 4th Balkan Mining Congress, 18–20 Oct 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Nikolov, Elenior and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Contev, Robertino and Petreski, Drage (2010) Defense R&D management influence on the security of Republic of Macedonia. In: Conference for Security, Ecological Security, and Challenges of the Republic of Macedonia, 17-18 Sept 2010, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

Nikolov, Elenior and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Contev, Robertino and Petreski, Drage (2010) Влијание на менаџментот на развојот и истражувањето во одбраната врз безбедноста на Република Македонија. In: Конференција за безбедност, еколошка безбедност и предизвиците на Република Македонија, 17-18 Sept 2010, Охрид, Р. Македонија.

Nikolov, Elenior and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Contev, Robertino and Petreski, Drage (2010) Impact of management development and research on defense in safety of the Рepublic of Macedonia. In: Conference for Security, Ecological Security, and Challenges of the Republic of Macedonia, 17-18 Sept 2010, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Contev, Robertino and Nikolov, Elenior (2008) Macedonian Security and Defence R&D Management - ICT Policy and Strategy. In: International Conference -“Security and Defence R&D Management: Policy, Concepts and Models”, 29-31 June 2008, Varna, Bulgaria.

Nikolov, Elenior and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Contev, Robertino (2008) Security and Defence R&D Management: Policy, Concepts and Models of Republic of Macedonia. In: International Conference -“Security and Defence R&D Management: Policy, Concepts and Models”, 29-31 June 2008, Varna, Bulgaria.

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Nikolov, Elenior (2007) Dual-use and conversion of military-related R&D in Germany. In: International Conference “Management of Security related R&D of Defence Industrial Transformation”, 01-03 Nov 2007, Bucharest, Romania.

Nikolov, Elenior and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Contev, Robertino and Ivanovski, Zoran (2007) The Macedonian Defense Market and Transformation. In: International Conference “Policy and Models for R&D Management in Support of Defence Industrial Transformation”, 28-29 June 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria.


Ivanovski, Zoran and Nikolov, Elenior and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Contev, Robertino and Stankovska, Aleksandra and Moneva, Maja and Stoichkova, Elena (2009) SfP-982063 Management of security related R&D in support of defense industrial transformation. [Project]

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